Congratulations to our 2013 Winners of the Golden Pineapple Award!

Congratulations to our 2013 Winners of the Golden Pineapple Award!

2013 Winners

Congratulations to our 2013 winners. Pictured from left to right: Gregg Breese, Watertown Rockman Challenge (2013 Runner-up), Michael Cobleigh, Sentry Foods (2013 Winner), Jerry Fitzgerald, Paddy’s Pub ( 2013 Runner-up).

Michael Cobleigh from Sentry Foods in Fort Atkinson was awarded the 2013 Golden Pineapple by the Jefferson County Tourism Council (JCTC) for his exemplary customer service.

Michael works in the Produce section of Sentry Foods, and is often the first to greet customers. And he does this, according to Evie Johnson, who nominated him, with obvious joy and enthusiasm. Johnson wrote: “When tourists come to Fort Atkinson to take advantage of the great recreational activities nearby, it is great to know that when buying groceries for camping or traveling, Michael will be there to greet them with his friendly smile and will be willing to help them find whatever they need!” Johnson continued: “Michael also is a great example to the numerous high school and college students who work at Sentry. His respectful and positive attitude and outstanding work ethic help create a great atmosphere for employees.”

Michael was honored at the JCTC’s Annual Golden Pineapple Banquet in May, held at Hi-Way Harry’s in Johnson Creek. When presenting the Golden Pineapple award, Steve Cline, JCTC President, explained the origin of the trophy. “The pineapple,” said Cline, “especially in Colonial times, was felt to represent a sense of welcome, good cheer, and human warmth. We believe it is the perfect symbol for this award.”

Gregg Breese, Coordinator of the Watertown Rockman Challenge, and Jerry Fitzgerald, bartender at Paddy Coughlin’s Pub in Fort Atkinson, were also awarded plaques for their outstanding service and contributions to Jefferson County tourism. Cline congratulated Michael, Gregg and Jerry on their nominations, and thanked them for exemplifying the best that Jefferson County has to offer.

The Golden Pineapple is awarded each year by the JCTC. Residents and visitors are encouraged to nominate any front-line employee who demonstrated excellent customer service. Nominations are already underway for the 2014 Golden Pineapple Award. Do you know someone who should be nominated? Visit our Golden Pineapple page to find out more information and nominate someone for next year’s award!



Winners of local gift cards

Congratulations to our July Winner!

Kathie T. from Watertown, WI
won a $25 gift certificate to Twice Baked Pottery!

  • Jefferson County Fair
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